5 Reasons Why Offering Callbacks is Good for Your Business

Female operator making call center callbacks to customers

Waiting on hold is a frustrating experience that decreases customer satisfaction. Offering callbacks to callers is a great solution that provides many benefits to your call center.

It’s respectful of customer’s time and increases customer satisfaction

“In one unique study that surveyed more than 2,500 consumers, nearly 60 percent of respondents believe that one-minute is too long to be on hold.” Long hold times are a big factor when it comes to customer dissatisfaction. No one likes to be kept waiting. For a customer calling with a problem or needing help who is already frustrated, having to wait on hold increases their dissatisfaction.

Decreases your call abandonment rate

The longer your customers are waiting on hold, the more likely they are to hang up. Your call abandonment rate is a KPI (key performance indicator) that should be monitored. Abandon rates of between 5% and 8% are considered the industry average. If you are experiencing higher abandonment rates this is a good solution to help reduce them.

Helps to manage call volume

Managing spikes in call volume along with staffing needs and costs can be challenging. Hiring more agents will increase costs and may not be necessary based on your call volume fluctuating for short time periods. Offering a callback enables agents to return calls during downtime and increases efficiency.

Increases agent morale

It’s stressful and unpleasant for agents when call volume is high and callers are frequently unhappy. There can be a sense of urgency to rush through each call to move on to the next call. Offering callbacks helps to relieve this stress so your agents can take their time and focus on each call to deliver great service.

Reduces costs

We’ve all heard the saying time is money! Offering a callback option helps free up your phone lines to reduce costs.

Contact Center Software

An efficient platform that streamlines communication and workflows to improve the caller experience and reduce agent frustration is imperative.