Active Insights: Your Single Source for Automated Call Scoring, Quality Assurance, Detailed Analytics, and More!

A contact center manager views call report graphs using Active Insights on their laptop.

The new Active Insights secure, cloud-based platform provides access to call, message, and speech analytics. Use Active Insights to quickly find detailed information about calls and agent performance, complete with automated call scoring. You’ll find that Active Insights is user-friendly, fast and easy to deploy, and gives you accurate insights about your overall call handling.

Save Time with Automated Call Scoring

Active Insights features customized call-scoring scripts to automatically rate calls, saving hours of valuable time for supervisors and creating impartial scores for agents. Design unique scoring scripts for each type of call you handle, such as HVAC, utilities, and building maintenance. The scripts help you focus on the crucial details for each type of call, such as requesting a location on service calls. As part of the script, you can designate the importance by including a number of points for each item, such as 5 points for asking for a last name, and 10 points for verifying the caller’s phone number. Active Insights displays the scores for each script item, instantly showing how well your agents handle calls.

Providing Feedback to Agents

Use the unbiased feedback from Active Insights to give your agents positive feedback in areas where they excel, along with suggestions for improvement. Since the scripts provide details on specific areas, such as whether an agent paged a technician, you can praise agents, and also suggest strategies for better ways to handle future calls.

Quickly Locate Specific Calls Using Flexible Search Options

With the hundreds to thousands of calls you handle daily, finding a specific call could be daunting, but Active Insights makes it extremely easy. Use a wide range of search criteria to instantly find a call, even when you only have limited information. Search for any calls taken:

  • by a particular agent
  • on a specified date and time
  • for an individual client
  • that include a specific phrase, such as power outage

Active Insights incrementally updates the results as you type, helping you quickly narrow down and find the call.

Complete Call Review Capabilities

See and hear exactly what happened on calls with Active Insights. A color-coded waveform graph indicates when the agent was speaking, and when the caller was speaking. You also have the ability to view the recording of the agent’s screen as you listen to the call, read the call transcription, and see the individual scores for each item in the script. This helps you confirm that the call quality is up to the standards you expect and makes it easy to identify and address any issues.

Conserving Your Valuable Disk Space

Since Active Insights is cloud-based, you’ll save space on your on-site servers. You can easily track your cloud storage utilization and make adjustments as needed. You can also select which clients you want to provide these services for, making it an easy revenue-generating opportunity.

Learn More

Contact Amtelco today for a personal demo to see how Active Insights is the perfect analytics and call quality management solution!

Reporting and Analytics

Quantify and interpret call analytics to improve workflows and provide a better caller experience.