National Safety Month

A doctor holds a sign about safety during National Safety Month.

June is National Safety Month! Take a look at some of our white papers that focus on keeping patients and staff safe by using integrated software solutions to create a cohesive communication environment.

Addressing Healthcare Workplace Violence with Integrated Contact Center Software and Secure Messaging: It is imperative that hospitals include their contact centers as part of their emergency action plan (EAP). According to the DHS, an effective EAP includes, “Contact information for, and responsibilities of individuals to be contacted,” and “an emergency notification system to alert various parties of an emergency.”

How Effective Call Center Software Improves Patient Transfer Center Workflows: Every patient transfer center is different and has different needs. However, they all require an enormous amount of coordination. Transporting patients can be a life-saving effort and is an integral part of patient flow, patient care, and the patient experience. It is critical that patient transfer centers use a robust call center software program that readily integrates with other products to increase efficiency.

Improving Response to Critical Laboratory Results with Secure Messaging: Notification of critical lab results is a crucial function of the clinical laboratory. Using technology such as secure messaging ensures information is received by the correct personnel, quickly and accurately, to help improve patient care.

The Call Center’s Role in Behavior Counseling: Studies unequivocally show the use of integrated communication technology is providing better access to mental health treatment. Current health technology solutions are being enhanced with the use of mental health apps for more accurate data that leads to customized care.

Medical Answering Services and Telephone Triage: With today’s technological advances and secure HIPAA-compliant communication options, medical answering services can provide outstanding telephone triage services that results in better patient care while protecting against liability issues.

Contact Center Software

An efficient platform that streamlines communication and workflows to improve the caller experience and reduce agent frustration is imperative.