Revolutionize Clinical Communication With Amtelco Secure Messages For A Better Patient Safety Outcome

Quality patient care starts with revolutionizing clinical communication, especially as regulations evolve to keep up with the exponential advancement of digital communication to keep patient privacy safe, which is even more crucial than ever. According to the summary statement from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on February 8, 2024, “Texting patient information and the texting of patient orders among members of the health care team is permissible, if accomplished through a HIPAA-compliant secure texting platform (STP) and in compliance with the Conditions of Participation (CoPs).” The policy update announces the need for healthcare organizations to tighten security around data transferring from texting platforms to EHR. 

The time to transition from pagers to a secure messaging platform is even more necessary for the safety of patients and seamless operations. Amtelco offers a secure messaging solution, allowing healthcare providers to connect anywhere at the right time with optimal speed, aiming to provide precision and role-based group collaboration through a messaging application that provides a high level of security for user communication. Amtelco provides marvelous implementation and training services to help integrate Amtelco Secure Messages into your system. Fewer hiccups happen when data breaches are kept at bay when healthcare organizations use Amtelco Secure Messages. The best time to start is now; healthcare providers can rely on the robust security feature Amtelco Secure Messages offers!

Instead of relying on one-way pagers, today’s technological advancements offer modern two-way secure messaging platforms that alleviate clinical communication pain points such as communication barriers, potential data breaches, information overload, fragmentation of communication, time constraints, and more! A study, “Improving Communication in a Large Urban Academic Safety Net Hospital System: Implementation of Secure Messaging,” by Suvrat Chandra et al., highlights the efficiencies a secure messaging platform can provide, such as alleviating transmission errors and promoting closed-loop communication. 

To advance health outcomes, many healthcare providers use smartphones as a fast way to connect; however, the messaging applications may or may not be HIPAA-compliant, “Figures indicate that 85% of healthcare staff have access to smartphones, and about 60–80% of this clinical staff use text messages to discuss patient care [2].” (Chandra et al., p. 56). With many healthcare providers using smartphones, overlooking clinical messaging security is dangerous, leading to interruptions in operations and significant monetary loss in retrieving health data. 

The Importance of Effective Clinical Communication

Clinical communication encompasses a wide range of interactions within healthcare settings, such as exchanges between healthcare professionals, sharing patient information, coordinating care plans, and more! In each scenario, transparent and timely communication is paramount for delivering high-quality care and ensuring patient safety. Traditional modes of communication, such as pagers, phone calls, faxing, and emails, often need more efficient, cohesive clinical communication and more security measures to protect sensitive patient information.

These limitations can lead to communication breakdowns and misunderstandings, compromising patient outcomes and clinical operations. Chandra imparts an eye-opening study conducted by researchers at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC), “Results indicated a median daily potential communication failure rate reduction from 5.5 to 2.2% with the addition of secure messaging to the existing electronic paging system, a 59% decrease in potential paging communication failures as measured through manual review of messaging data capturing broken communication loops” (Chandra et al., p. 56). From a statistical viewpoint, a healthcare organization will significantly benefit from using a secure messaging application. Reducing communication errors, faster connections, and saving lives! Healthcare providers work in an intense working environment that relies on precision and accuracy; therefore, speed and clarity within clinical communication are much more crucial!

Enter Amtelco Secure Messages

Rely on Amtelco Secure Messages – the ultimate clinical communication platform designed for healthcare organizations. Our cutting-edge features can optimize clinical workflows and ensure secure communication, providing healthcare providers with a secure messaging platform to minimize clinical communication barriers.

Secure Messaging:

With Amtelco Secure Messages, healthcare professionals can securely exchange messages, images, audio notes, videos, and files in real-time, ensuring that critical information reaches the right person at the right time. The application employs robust encryption protocols to safeguard patient data and ensure compliance with HIPAA and other regulatory requirements.

Care Team Collaboration:

Amtelco Secure Messages is a powerful clinical communication tool that facilitates seamless collaboration among care teams by enabling group messaging, allowing multiple stakeholders to discuss patient cases, share updates, and coordinate care plans in a centralized, secure environment. Streamlining clinical communication enhances care coordination, reduces errors, improves patient health outcomes, provides clinical collaboration with a security advantage that pagers cannot offer, and improves overall efficiency. 

On-Call Scheduling:

Managing on-call schedules can be challenging for healthcare organizations, often leading to confusion and disruptions in communication. Amtelco Secure Messages simplifies on-call scheduling by allowing on-call integration within the application and providing real-time updates and customizable notification preferences, ensuring that the right person is always available when needed.

Integration Capabilities:

Amtelco Secure Messages seamlessly integrates with existing electronic health record (EHR) systems such as Epic’s MyChart and more! Laboratory information systems (LIS) and other healthcare applications allow seamless data exchange and interoperability. Amtelco Secure Messages integration is simple and streamlines workflows, reduces duplicate data entry, and enhances overall efficiency across the organization. With the advantage of remaining HIPAA-compliant while handling sensitive, protected health information! 

The Impact on Patient Care

By revolutionizing clinical communication, Amtelco Secure Messages significantly impacts patient care and outcomes. As one of Amtelco Secure Messages’ clients, Pryor from Capitol Health, Halifax, Nova Scotia, shares, “Partnering with Amtelco has enabled us to automate messaging without risk of information breach.” This protects healthcare organizations internally and externally when using Amtelco Secure Messages and fortifies patient privacy.

Enhanced Patient Safety:

Improved communication among healthcare teams reduces the risk of medical errors, ensures timely interventions, and enhances patient safety. With Amtelco Secure Messages, healthcare providers can instantly exchange critical information, enabling faster decision-making and more effective clinical care.

Increased Efficiency:

By streamlining communication workflows and reducing reliance on outdated communication methods, Amtelco Secure Messages saves valuable time for healthcare professionals, allowing them to focus more on patient care. The platform’s intuitive interface and automation features further enhance efficiency, minimizing administrative burdens and maximizing productivity.


Effective communication is an essential aspect of the healthcare industry. Amtelco Secure Messages has revolutionized clinical communication by providing a platform that adheres to efficiency, security, and HIPAA compliance. Amtelco Secure Messages has effectively addressed the challenges and limitations posed by traditional methods of communication and has significantly improved the communication process in healthcare.

Amtelco provides a secure communication platform that guarantees the privacy of patient information when it comes to information sharing. Amtelco Secure Messages has set new standards and has become a benchmark for clinical communication in the healthcare industry, with tens of thousands of licenses registered. By providing healthcare organizations with a secure, intuitive, and integrated communication platform, Amtelco Secure Messages enables elevated collaboration, enhances patient safety through protecting ePHI during clinical collaboration, and ultimately helps healthcare professionals deliver the best possible care to those who need it most with speed and accuracy.