Stop Unwanted Calls from Reaching Operators with ANI Screening

If you’re looking for a way to stop unwanted calls from reaching your operators, check out ANI Screening, the Amtelco Feature of the Month!

The Automatic Number Identification (ANI) Screening routes a call from the number on the list to a different behavior, such as playing a recording or hanging up instead of reaching an operator. To use Automatic Number Identification (ANI) Screening, add known problematic phone numbers to the list, and set up the behavior to hang up or to first play a recording. When a call that matches the Caller ID comes in, the call follows the behavior you set. This feature helps block calls from telemarketers, harassing callers, automated dialing systems, incoming faxes, and other unwanted calls.

The ANI Screening feature is available for both Amtelco Genesis and Infinity. Using either the Intelligent Series (IS) or Infinity Supervisor, you can easily add numbers to the list when a problem occurs and remove the number later, if desired.

ANI Match and ANI Behavior

Another ANI feature helps expedite the call forwarding process for your clients and provides a way for clients to check for messages. On Amtelco Genesis, this feature is called ANI Match. On Infinity, this feature is available with ANI Behavior.

Contact Center Software

An efficient platform that streamlines communication and workflows to improve the caller experience and reduce agent frustration is imperative.