Generate Calls from Web Pages with IS Web Chat

The Intelligent Series (IS) Web Chat is an optional feature that provides web browser users with the ability to communicate directly and immediately with IS agents.

A hyperlink on a web page enables internet and intranet users to send a request for an immediate chat session to an agent. The chat session is then presented to agents in the Soft Agent, Genesis Web Agent, and Infinity Telephone Agent workstation applications as a pending dispatch job in the Dispatch List. When the agent resumes the dispatch job, a customizable script is displayed alongside of the chat conversation.

Agents also have the ability to push specific web pages to a user’s computer screen on request.

Using IS Web Chat

A chat widget is placed on the call center customer’s web page to enable users browsing the internet or an intranet the ability to conveniently chat online with an agent. The chat session request is sent to the call center’s IS system to enable the site visitor to ask the agent questions about the web page.

The web page visitor simply types his or her name and the body of the chat message, and then presses the Start Chat button to send the chat request. The IS Web Chat feature then generates a chat session request in the IS Server that is presented to agents as a dispatch job labeled as “Chat Message” in the Dispatch List.

Chat Scripts

The IS Web Chat feature includes two template scripts that can be customized:

  • The Message or Chat Initiate Script accepts a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) generated by the IS Web Chat service with each chat request. The script uses the URL to connect the agent to the chat and to display the chat in a web browser.
  • The IS Web Chat Script is displayed alongside of the chat and is used to guide the agent through web chat conversations. Buttons can be used to generate predetermined responses, and text field can be used to type free-form responses. The script also can present the agent with a list of web pages that the agent can push to the person who initiated the chat.

For more information about this feature, contact a sales representative.

Cloud Contact Center

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